Thursday, October 30, 2008
Five and counting
So what now? Fire MacT? Or is this lot just not as good as people have been saying they are? Help me out here.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Rexall Place is Inadequate

I mean, the team only generated 11.8M in operating income, 7th in the league despite the fact they were not recipient of any playoff revenues.
That is, Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. The Oilers are [were prior to Katz purchase] debt free so that potentially could put them in even a better financial position than comparables.
It is also interesting to note how quickly the Oilers paid off their debt in recent years. I'd imagine from a cash flow perspective (which many accountants argue to be the a better tool to evaluate financial performance), the Oilers are doing even better than a few teams ranked above them.
Yeah, that Literally. Crush Rexall place is really inadequate.
Now excuse me while I sign a Cheque to Mr. Batman Daryl Katz quickly, so he can expand on his 7 8 figure business income.
I wonder if the payment will trigger in being recipient of a charitable donation receipt which I could then use to minimize my personal income taxes?
Monday, October 27, 2008

"Hey Caaahrey! The Price is fahhkin' WRAAAHNG, ya faaahg! AHAHAHAHA!"
The Oilers take on the Massholes tonight and are looking to snap a three game skid. They haven't played the B's since Cam Neely could walk, they're home at Literally. Crush. and OG6 games are always fun. So naturally it's another goddamn PPV. Will the responsible authorities please eat a bag of dicks? Thanks.
So it looks like it'll be me and Gossip Girl tonight and if you have to ask why, well, that's your problem.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday morning coming down
When I was in London a couple of weeks ago, I took in a match at White Hart Lane, a 1-0 Spurs loss to the improbable Hull City Tigers. Afterwards, I popped into one of the pubs near the ground for a pint and was forced to show the large men at the door my match ticket to prove I was a home fan and not some away fan there to stir up shit. I think a policy like that is one that needs to be embraced here, because after taking in last night's stinker of a loss for the Oil against the fucking Canucks at the local Edmonton expat bar, I was ready to glass the first person I saw in a Luongo shirt.
But who am I kidding? The real culprits aren't the smug bastards who cheer for a franchise that has accomplished somewhere between dick and squat in its 40-plus years in the league, but the sad fucking crew wearing the oil drop. Garon, Grebeshkov and Gilbert in particular deserve a sound paddling for their work last night and I'll throw in a few choice words for Hemsky as well. And, to bring it back to the news from north London, when is it time to follow Spurs' example and take a hard look at the men behind the bench? MacT arguably has the horses to at least make a run at the NW title this year, but seven games in and this team has yet to play a complete game. Can you lay some of this on the coach? Is it MacT's fault that Grebeshkov is total chaos or that Garon is looking more and more like a Andre Racicot? I'm pretty skeptical about how much effect coaches actually have on the game outside of setting line combinations and working the match ups. I've heard criticism from some corners that the Oilers' efforts or lack thereof attest to a lack of preparation or inspiration, which seems fair enough, but how much is on the coach and how much on what's between the ears of each player? These are questions I can't pretend to answer, but I hope someone does. Because a few more games like the last three and the rumbles of discontent are going to swell to a crescendo.
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Lines

Per Tencer (a "good" blogger who doesn't work blue), the Oilers will go into tomorrow's game against Vancouver with the following combos:
Nilsson - Horcoff - Hemsky
Penner - Cogliano - Gagner
Moreau - Pouliot - Cole
MacIntyre - Brodziak - Stortini
I like. Cole returns to his natural position at RW, which Ray Ferraro says is a good thing, and who knows more about hockey than him?
Defenseman Theo Peckham was returned to the Springfield Falcons of the AHL following last night's game; it's expected that Steve Staios will return to the Oilers lineup tomorrow night following a 2 game absence.
Sadly, the return to action comes to late to bolster Staios' prospects in the Hot Off.
How about the Canucks? I reckon Gillis or Nonis or Burke or whoever the fuck is running that clown show these days was pretty blindsided by Pavol Demitra's injury. You just can't predict these things.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Downhill from here?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Young folks

Tonight's game should be a good 'un, pitting the peach-fuzzed Oilers against a gawky-after-a-summer-growth-spurt Chicago club that's trying hard to impress their new stepdad, Joel Quenneville. Or something. What I'm trying to say here is there's not many players on either club that lived through the Reagan presidency. One of the few old-timers, Sheldon Souray, is, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, injured, though Sam Gagner will be there to bring the median age down even further. Old Man Roloson gets the nod in net for the Oilers: believe me when I say I have a thematic joke in my back pocket on that tidbit, but I really don't want to get sued. Game's on PPV, so tune in to your wireless set for the dulcet tones of Rod Philips instead.
On an unrelated note, I see the Oilers website (your one and only source for Oilers content anywhere ever) is doing some hard-hitting stuff like this feature on pest and "disgusting hockey player" Zack Stortini. Hopefully a "Who'd You Rather" feature won't be too far behind (example: Mrs. Sheldon Souray or the Big Ľubowski's special lady?).
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
In ur pressbox, disrespecting ur d00ds
First, OilersNation blogger and radio journo Jason "He's hip, he's cool, he's 45" Gregor strokes his chin and clucks his tongue at the rank social irresponsibility of bloggers these days, and manages to come off like a damn fool.
Most (bloggers) are nameless, faceless people who write their opinions, but unfortunately there are too many false facts in blogs. I understand the next generation gets most of their information from the Internet, but unfortunately lots of it is horribly written or inaccurate. Kids read this stuff and they believe it. I don't think bloggers truly understand the strength of their message, and also the damage it can do. What about writing an article on the damage that bloggers do? They all seem to think that because they "care" about the team, that their messages are helping the team. Well that might be true, but no one in blog world ever talks about the negatives. And it seems that well-written, factual and insightful blogs are rare. For every Lowetide there are 15 horrible bloggers. Kids read the Internet more than the paper, and while we think they should be smart enough to decipher the good from bad, any parent will tell you that isn't the case.Yeah, he actually went with the "think of the children" line. Fuckin' embarrassing.
But the real good shit comes with Oilers' PR flack J.J. Hebert's attempts to clear the air.
Edmonton Oilers media relations director J.J. Hebert says blogger Dave Berry of Covered in Oil was temporarily banned from the Oilers press box last week because of the "disrespectful and embarrassing" content of Berry's live blog commentary on the Oilers' home opener.
"It was disrespectful, it was embarrassing and we simply do not need it," Hebert says.
What triggered it initially was the content," adds Allan Watt, vice-president of communications for the Oilers. "It was profane."
If we've learned nothing else from Pat Laforge-and I think we haven't-it's that disrespectful and profanity-laden comments about players will only be tolerated once said players are traded (right Doug Weight, you big pussy?)
Having read the live blog in question, I find the particular criticism to be interesting to say the least. I count a single use of the word "fuck" in there, but beyond that, the post is pretty vanilla. One thing it is not is uncritical, so it's easy to see why it would get the flack's knickers in a twist.
Hebert goes on to say that problem with treating bloggers the same as members of the MSM, aside from their potty mouths, is there's just so gosh darn many of them.
Hebert says the Oilers will not give accreditation to any independent blogger right now. There are simply too many bloggers at this point for the Oilers to try to pick and choose and accommodate any of them. "Our players are just inundated with requests, as well as phone requests, every day. For us to say yes to Joe Blow's blog, there's 300 more of them out there.
"You can't open the door to one guy and then say no 250 others. You can't."
Which would be fair if it were true. Fact is, though, picking and choosing who does and does not get accreditation is something Herbert and his ilk do on a daily basis. Hell, one might even say it's part of their job. On the great media totem pole, some hack from the St. Albert Gazette is going to be further down than a Dan Barnes and I trust people like Hebert are capable of making the distinction and justifying it. So why not apply similar tests to bloggers. It's been done: there are NHL teams (notably the Washington Capitals) that provide bloggers with press passes. In fact, Caps blogger Eric McErlain at one point drafted a set of guidelines for granting press credentials to bloggers. Clearly it can be done, and in suggesting otherwise Hebert is either being totally disingenuous or he just isn't very good at his job.
What's the upshot here? I dunno. I'm sad that Dave has quit blogging, I'd like to hear more about these "basement threesomes" Alan Watt thinks are a driving force behind blogs, and I'm happier than ever not to be in a position to give the Oilers' organization one thin dime of my cash.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Not dead yet.

Just a quick word to say we haven't pulled a Pleasure Motors and packed it in. I've been out of the country for the last couple of weeks (and have thus missed the Oilers storming out of the gate with three straight
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Last night, the Oilers got blown out 4-0 by their provincial rivals from Calgary (spits). Seeing as how this was a preseason game, the natural reaction for many is to freak the fuck out.
I didn't see the game, but it sounds like a real stinker, with the Oilers managing something like 19 shots against the guy who's going to open the door to the Flames's bench this year.
Mac T doesn't sound happy, and who can blame him? The team is starting the season with a tough schedule with 12-15 on the road and need to get their shit together before then. Me, I'm inclined to think it'll actually be good for them to get away from the slush of Rexall and the clearly insane fanbase and focus on playing hockey. If not, well, it's better to burn out than fade away.